Archive for the 'News and opinion' Category

News and Opinion:
Dictatorship, military intervention and false binaries in Syria

Washington DC – After almost five decades, when the time came to publicly oppose authoritarian rule in Syria, onewould have thought that it was the rational and decent thing to do. And it is. More than that, it is incumbent on anyonewho cares about Syrians (let us leave “Syria” alone for a moment) to struggle […]

News and Opinion:
Patrick Cockburn: Whose hands are behind those dramatic YouTube pictures?

“Rumour” used to have a bad reputation. In Shakespeare’s plays it is assumed that “rumours” mean artful lies and the spreading of detailed but false accounts of victory and defeat. No journalist could credibly tell of massacre, torture and mass arrests, citing “strong rumours” as the sole evidence for the story. Editors at whatever newspaper, […]

News and Opinion:
Former CIA unit chief Michael Scheuer discusses Syria and the Arab spring

Michael Scheuer confirms the United States’ involvement in attempts to overthrow the Syrian regime. He explains Washington’s dilemma in dealing with the Arab Spring and how Washington’s “mindless pursuit of secular democracy” in fact created anarchy and empowered extremist Islamists.    

News and Opinion:
أيام صعبة في الأزمة السورية… بسبب إيران

أراد الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد لخطابه الأخير أن يكون رسالة حزم أمني وانفتاح سياسي. وأراده أيضا تعبيرا عن قوة النظام في وجه الرياح العاتية التي تعصف به من كل حدب وصوب. تزامن ذلك مع تفاقم التهديدات المتبادلة بين إيران والولايات المتحدة، ومع تجاذبات لافتة حول المراقبين العرب. ووصل المشهد إلى نقطة خطيرة مع مقتل الزميل […]

News and Opinion:
كيف تهدر ألف مليار دولار: التسلّح الخليجي

هل تعرفون قصّة طائرات «لايتنينغ»؟ كانت صفقة الـ«لايتنينغ» بين المملكة العربية السعودية وبريطانيا، في أواسط السّتينات من القرن الماضي، أولى صفقات السّلاح الضّخمة بين الخليج والغرب، وباكورة لتعاون طويل بين المملكة وشركات السلاح العالميّة. في تقريرٍ لها عن الموضوع، قالت صحيفة الغارديان إنّ صفقات السلاح الخليجيّة هي ــ وحدها ــ ما أبقى شركة «بريتيش آيروسبايس» […]

News and Opinion:
Syria. The other side

A beautiful Syria documentary shot last February by Ruslan Fedotow and edited/color corrected by Artem Yakimov 1920x1080P HD footage shot using a Canon 5D mark2 From the same artist: “5 minutes of Syria”    

News and Opinion:
Nir Rosen discusses the situation in Syria (YouTube)

After spending weeks in Syria, Nir Rosen provides his assessment of the Free Syrian Army and popular support for the protests. Free army is mostly armed civilians .. chaotic, no central leadership. The few defecting soldiers defected for sectarian reasons and in solidarity with their family members in Daraa or Hamaa. This is different from […]

News and Opinion:
Propaganda and Coverage of Syria

After months of intense and feverish coverage of Syria, it is high time that we ask: how bad has the coverage been? How much have we been served as readers by the coverage? To what extent has the Arab (Saudi and Qatari) media converged with Western media? And why do Western media toss out all […]

News and Opinion:
Syrian opposition figures demand chapter 7 intervention and no fly zone

‎Trying to apply pressure on the Arab league meeting in Cairo on Saturday, Syrian opposition leader Mamoun Homsi told the ON TV reporter that the Syrian people want a chapter 7 UNSC resolution … they want humanitarian corridors … they want a no fly zone over Syria. Syrian National Council Adib Shishakli made similar […]

News and Opinion:
British Special Forces Training Syrian Rebels?

As government forces continue a brutal crackdown on popular uprisings throughout Syria, there has been growing chatter indicating that British Special Forces are in some way assiting forces aligned against the Syrian regime. Reports from late November last year state that British Special forces have met up with members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), […]